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標題: 轉載 : 曲架仔急需暫養 or 領養 [打印本頁]

作者: Lew    時間: 2009-9-16 12:51 PM     標題: 轉載 : 曲架仔急需暫養 or 領養

曲架急需暫養或領養家庭, 否則spca將人道毁滅
HELP! A pretty Coker spaniel boy was resuced by a member and sent to SPCA now, but SPCA said it not suitable for adoption ( cause this dog a bit scare of stranger sometime) and told us to take it back, if not they will pass to the Vet and might be euthanasia him...Anybody can foster him for shortly or adopt? 2 days left Urgent!

曲架靚仔被會員救起並送往愛協, 但愛協稱該狗不適合領養著當時人拿走, 否則交由獸醫處置, 極可能遭人道毀滅. 請問有無好心人可以暫養或領養, 只有兩天...急!
而家係愛協, 話佢大部份時間都係nice, 但有時驚陌生會"胡"人喎...大佬呀, 隻狗剛走失或比人遺棄, 哩d反應都好正常唧, 但愛協唔肯take哩個risk囉....又話爆棚無位比佢...>__<

如能幫忙, 請盡快致電 9727 0992 Anna Yuen
作者: PHILIP    時間: 2009-9-18 12:49 AM

唉.. 又一單..

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