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標題: 1 歲既 Borzoi 女要搵家 [打印本頁]

作者: Martini    時間: 2006-7-19 08:39 AM     標題: 1 歲既 Borzoi 女要搵家

各位, 有隻未滿 1 歲既 Borzoi 女要搵家......
Borzoi 都係我好鍾意, 好鍾意既 99
我曾經係 New York, Moscow, Irgust,見過, 真係好 Elegance, HK 好似 2 次....
今早 X X 狗房打電話比我,
問我有冇興趣收養埋呢隻 Borzoi,
我 post 係到係希望 member log in 先睇到,
有意者請 PM 電話比我 (urgent) ,
唔好意思, 枕氣 d 比 dd 資料大家,
Borzoi 係好聰明...好聰明既狗狗, 亦須要跑跑....

Borzois are also known as Russian Wolfhounds.
The Borzoi is a sweet, intelligent dog. They are proud and self aware dogs that are extremely loyal to their family. They are quite affectionate with people they know well. They can be trained in obedience, but it should be remembered that they are hounds, and as such are more free-thinking, and less willing to please humans than some breeds. They are, however, very intelligent, and capable learners. But the training of this breed has to be based upon mutual respect. Borzoi are often quite cat-like, often keeping themselves quite clean. They are quiet dogs, rarely barking. Like all other sighthounds, they are very fast, and have little-to-no territorial instinct. Therefore, they cannot be trusted off leash, unless in a securely fenced area. Good with other dogs but should be supervised with small non-canine pets such as cats and rabbits. Spending time outdoors with small animals is not advised. Socialize them very well with cats and other pets at as young an age as possible, but remember the Borzoi will always be a hunter that may race after a fleeing animal. His lightening snap can kill a small animal in a second. The Borzoi is a noble dog that gets along fairly well with children, but it is not ideally suited for being a child's companion as it does not take well to rough-housing play, and prize their rest. During the growing stage, these dogs need a highly nutritional diet.
Health Problems
They are sensitive to drugs. May be a picky eater and is prone to bloat. It is best to feed the Borzoi small meals two or three times a day. Avoid exercise after meals.
Living Conditions
Will do okay in an apartment if sufficiently exercised. They are relatively inactive indoors and are so peaceful it might escape notice, but outside they need plenty of space to walk and run - so it will do best with at least an average-sized yard. In the city he should only be let off the lead in a safe, enclosed space.
To Maintain their fitness these dogs need plenty of exercise, including regular opportunities to run off the leash, however in some countries it is forbidden to allow all the dogs in this fleet-footed hunting category off the leash. The Borzoi make excellent jogging companions and usually enjoy running alongside a bicycle but beware, a Borzoi is quite likely to shoot off after any prey it catches site of. If this happens you will need to react very quickly.
The long silky coat is easy to groom. Brush regularly with a firm bristle brush, and dry shampoo when necessary. Bathing presents a problem with such a tall dog but shouldn't be required very often. Clip the hair between the toes to keep the feet comfortable and to stop them from spreading. This breed is a seasonally heavy shedder.
作者: Martini    時間: 2006-7-19 08:40 AM

Borzoi 女斷左,
現在已經 e 好, 活動正常,
領養者要幫 99 絕育....
Urgent case....
如有暫養者可以照顧至Borzoi 女搵到家最好....
領養者請唔好介意我會家訪, 我都係想幫佢搵到頭好住家,
作者: Martini    時間: 2006-7-19 08:40 AM

與狗主聯絡過, details 如下:-
Borzoi 女係一二月份被遺棄,
當時現任狗主帶佢睇 Vet 係冇晶片, 亦冇人尋犬,
但當時狗狗都超瘦, 去到佢屋企冇耐就係散步時突然斷左,
睇左 Vet 做左手術已經冇大礙, 咁其間佢都有考慮養佢,
同時亦有搵人領養, 佢] post 過上網, 亦搵過 SPCA & SAA,
個 feed back 係叫佢養, 其中一個團體叫佢有須要時請個工人幫佢睇住隻99 先,
.......亦有網提到佢]有 bb 所以唔要 99, 但佢]要 clear 唔係呢個原因,
係佢]本身都養左 2 隻99 & 一隻兔仔,
完全唔會因有 bb 而唔要 99, 而真係能力有限....
佢先生會長時間唔係 HK 做, 而佢個肚越來越大,
再遲 d 佢就驚 handle 唔到佢出街,
佢]話係呢幾個月係不斷幫隻 99 搵屋企, 但都冇 result....
so 最後都係搵左漁護處.....
而咁巧合就係聯絡左 XX 狗房,
個 Staff 同佢講不如由佢嘗試搵下人收養, 好過隻狗狗要入狗房,
可能之後先轉介去返其它既機構, 其間對隻 99 心理唔好....
請大家留意下可唔可以幫隻 99 搵到好人家....
我唔 post 去 d 咁 open 既地方,
係諗咁 XX 狗房咁幫隻 99, 會唔會太 open 唔係咁好呢........
作者: Martini    時間: 2006-7-19 08:41 AM


作者: 忌廉媽咪    時間: 2006-7-19 09:38 AM

作者: 忌廉媽咪    時間: 2006-7-19 09:44 AM

作者: 忌廉媽咪    時間: 2006-7-19 09:46 AM

作者: Martini    時間: 2006-7-19 09:58 AM

係俄國獵狗ar ......
作者: heather_hba    時間: 2006-7-19 01:07 PM

我識人有3隻...住 stanley...唔係狗販都唔係 breeder...
作者: Elsa    時間: 2006-7-19 03:13 PM

作者: 奔妮吐    時間: 2006-7-19 03:19 PM

作者: shiuhang    時間: 2006-7-19 05:56 PM

heather咁鐘意波索, 自己養埋佢啦!
作者: 忌廉媽咪    時間: 2006-7-19 09:20 PM


[ 本帖最後由 忌廉媽咪 於 2006-7-19 09:28 PM 編輯 ]
作者: heather_hba    時間: 2006-7-19 11:59 PM

原帖由 shiuhang 於 2006-7-19 05:56 PM 發表
heather咁鐘意波索, 自己養埋佢啦!
我鐘意pure white 色ga....
作者: heather_hba    時間: 2006-7-20 12:01 AM

原帖由 忌廉媽咪 於 2006-7-19 09:20 PM 發表
作者: 忌廉媽咪    時間: 2006-7-20 12:41 AM

o甘就very good啦!佢地養開又有個會可能容易d找主人,heather你真係識得好多人啊
作者: heather_hba    時間: 2006-7-20 12:48 AM

我問左啦....c114hk 唔0係hk..佢lily 都係養0係人地度....
lily 而個個foster home 個主人都唔要....

作者: 忌廉媽咪    時間: 2006-7-20 05:42 AM

作者: 奔妮吐    時間: 2006-7-20 06:58 AM

作者: Martini    時間: 2006-7-20 09:07 AM

6 隻 我極限喇.....
作者: 忌廉媽咪    時間: 2006-7-23 03:30 AM


[ 本帖最後由 忌廉媽咪 於 2006-7-23 03:33 AM 編輯 ]
作者: aibo99    時間: 2006-7-25 09:27 PM

Hi, Martini,

Please check PM and I want to know more about the Borzoi  gril. Thanks.
作者: Martini    時間: 2006-7-25 09:32 PM

update 一下佢既相,
亦想係第三者立場講下見到呢隻狗狗既少少 comments
金金剪左毛毛, 但一望落去都好 elegant, 好靚,
佢對人都幾熱情, 好黐人下
佢好為食, 懂得 sit & hand.....連我]初次見佢, 佢都肯做既,
入到室內, 佢就休息喇......堔牏
可能有人係到, 佢 behave 得好好.....
係呢個令鐘頭入面, 金金好乖, 好嗲,
亦希望多 d 人可以 forward 呢個 message.......

作者: bonfylai    時間: 2006-8-24 01:09 PM     標題: 回復 #1 Martini 的帖子

Martini - is borzoi still available?

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