UID 271
積分 3521
帖子 3623
閱讀權限 250
註冊 2006-3-22 所養英曲名稱:可樂, 妹妹, 魔魔 英曲會員編號:578,579,580 狗狗性別:M, F ,F 狗狗出生日期:12/04/95,24/06/95,18/06/97 狗狗最喜歡: 狗狗最討厭: 狗狗技能: 狗狗性格: 居住地區:Sai Kung 來自
狀態 離線
Say No to Fur
「Say No to Fur」是一項宣傳教育活動,用意是提倡棄用所有錣有毛皮裝飾的衣服及飾品。成衣業界近年廣泛採用毛皮製作衣服及裝飾品,令毛皮需求大大提昇,令大眾及香港愛護動物協會關注這有欠規管的行業狀況。毛皮業界所謂的『人道』養殖,實際是把繁殖作宰殺用途的動物,囚困在擠迫、污穢不堪的鐵籠內,無奈地等待給選中,把毛皮被剝下成為下一件衣飾。
協會現正希望得到各界幫忙,協助宣揚「Say No to Fur」的訊息。我們希望一些區內商號能替我們張貼一幀20x30吋的海報於店內,請參閱附件為「Say No to Fur」該款宣傳海報。
如您或您的友人是開設店舖,而又樂意協助我們提倡「Say No to Fur」的訊息;就請把以下的資料,包括聯絡人姓名、店舖名稱及地址回覆至 membership@spca.org.hk,以便安排把海報送上。
Dear friends,
“Say No to Fur” is an educational campaign to promote the message of giving up to wear anything which contains fur or fur trim. The consumption of fur has been on the rise in recent years, raising concern surrounding the little regulated fur industry, spurring the SPCA (HK) to act. Despite claims of ‘humane’ farming by the fur industry, animals bred for fur are often confined to a life of cramped, filthy cages, only to have their lives cruelly cut short by a fur worker skinning them alive for their precious pelts.
The Society is currently seeking for help, from the public, assist to promote the message of “Say No to Fur”. We hope a 20x30 inches of “Say No to Fur” poster can be displayed inside retails shops around the area of Hong Kong. We have attached the poster for your reference.
If you or your friend run a shop and are happy to help us display the poster of “Say No to Fur”, please reply to membership@spca.org.hk, along with the information, include the Name of the Contact Person, the Name and Address of the shop, and we will arrange the delivery of the poster.
SAY NO TO FUR. Don't wear anything which contains fur or fur trim. Help us end the suffering of millions of animals.
Thank you very much for your kind support to the Society.
Yours truly,
Say No to Fur.jpg (2006-12-26 01:07 PM, 79.75 K)