UID 153
積分 6017
帖子 6217
閱讀權限 250
註冊 2006-2-4 所養英曲名稱:可樂仔 英曲會員編號:555 狗狗性別:男仔 狗狗出生日期:2003年9日30日 狗狗最喜歡:牛皮骨,去街,上床sleep,追bird bird 狗狗最討厭:俾呀媽鬧..呀媽"丙"..無野食 狗狗技能:sit, hand, sleep 狗狗性格:活潑,好動,牛脾氣(間唔中啦!) 居住地區:大坑五星級的唐樓 來自怏樂星球
狀態 離線
意義活動:生命無價不分彼此 413追悼被虐殺的動物
意義活動:生命無價不分彼此 413追悼被虐殺的動物
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生命無價 不分彼此
小西灣十青年,將一隻流浪黑貓亂棍打死,只為好玩 !
維園貓數年來不斷遇害,兇徒卻法外逍遙 !
日期: 2008年4月13日(星期日)
時間: 下午2時至4時
地點: 灣仔金紫荊廣場
主辦單位: 「生命無價•不分彼此」活動籌備委員會
* * * 活動須知 * * *
請各位打算出席本星期日 (4月13日) 下午2時「生命無價•不分彼此」追悼被虐殺動物大會的朋友留意。按主辦單位擬定,當日活動流程暫定如下:
1. 參與人士在灣仔金紫荊廣場集合
2. 在場人士默哀
3. 主辦單位和嘉賓發言
4. 由金紫荊廣場起步,遊行至金鐘高等法院大樓
5. 獻花和心意咭
6. 代表向律政司遞信,要求嚴懲虐畜兇徒
- 金紫荊廣場範圍不容許動物進入
- 沿路警方會因應人流作出交通改道措施,務請與會人士配合警方和大會糾察的指示
- 由於遊行路線較長,而且部分為馬路段,警方認為會對參與者構成一定危險,故主辦單位呼籲與會者不要帶同動物遊行
- 請因應活動當日天氣情況帶備糧水,並清理沿途遺下的垃圾
- 與會者敬請攜帶白色鮮花,我們將手持鮮花遊行,於高等法院大樓為被虐殺的動物獻上鮮花悼念
All Animals are Equal
Don’t put a price on life 生命無價•不分彼此
In Memory of all Brutalized Animals 追悼被虐殺的動物
Golden Bauhinia Square, Wanchai, 13 April 2008 (Sunday)
* * * IMPORTANT * * *
If you are attending the “In Memory of all Brutalized Animals” event this coming Sunday, 13 April (2:00pm), please pay attention to the following, including the tentative run-down as follows,
1. Assembly at the Golden Bauhinia Square, Wanchai
2. Silent Tributes
3. Speech by organizer and guests
4. Procession to High Court Building, Admiralty
5. Floral Tributes
6. Letter submission to Secretary for Justice
(The event would finish at 4:00pm, but will be subject to actual circumstances)
Please pay attention to the following with regard to public safety and regulations of venues involved:
- No dogs are allowed in the Golden Bauhinia Square
- Police would divert traffic when necessary during the procession. You are requested to follow the direction given by police officers and marshals
- Since the route of the procession includes chunks with heavy traffic which may cause danger to participants, we urge you NOT to bring animals along during the march
- Please bring sufficient drinking water and snacks to cope with the weather. Please also clean up after yourselves.
- Please bring floral tributes to take along the march. We will pay the floral tributes to all brutalized animals when we arrive at the High Court
Date: Sunday, 13 April 2008
Time: 2 to 4 pm
Venue: Golden Bauhinia Square, Wan Chai
(After assembly, march to High Court Building, Admiralty)
Organizer: organizing Committee, “In Memory of all Brutalized Animals”
You are requested to dress in black, and bring your own floral tributes.
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| 可愛嘅王家3兄妹.可樂~恩恩~思思
彩虹橋上的妹妹 and 細佬 |